Five days before his 30th birthday, Winston’s parents reveal a surprising family secret that sends his life plans up in flames. Thus begins a whirlwind comedic journey in which Winston must reevaluate everything he thought he knew about himself and his parents. Big Hunk o’ Burnin’ Love is a farcical exploration of how we love and the responsibilities we owe our families, and how those two emotional duties are often intertwined.
Big Hunk o’ Burnin’ Love was first produced by East West Players in 1998, and subsequently by Second Generation Productions in New York City and by Asian Stories in America (ASIA) Theatre in Arlington, Virginia.
Big Hunk o’ Burnin’ Love Cast
- Stage Directions
- Tommy Bo
- Winston
- Vin Kridakorn
- Nick
- Eric Yang
- Mom
- Julyana Soelistyo
- Dad
- Jojo Gonzalez
- Noi
- Panit Chantranuluck
- Sylvia
- Fiona Robberson
Big Hunk o’ Burnin’ Love Creative
- Playwright
- Prince Gomolvilas
- Director
- Eric Ting
- Assistant Director
- Sanhawich Meateanuwat
- Stage Manager
- Alyssa K. Howard
- Assistant Stage Manager
- Liz Beatty
- Technical Director
- Ryan McLaughlin
The Refocus Project is made possible by the Champions for Inclusive Theatre and Roundabout’s Forward Fund. We acknowledge the generous friends who support our many efforts to increase representation and inclusion in all aspects of theatre: Elizabeth Armstrong, Bank of America, Eugene and Joann Bissell and the Lillian Lincoln Foundation, Kevin Brown, Barbara and Peter Bye, Ginger McKnight Chavers, Ford Foundation, Jill and Barry Lafer, Gina Maria Leonetti, Iva Mills, Beryl Snyder, and Denise Littlefield Sobel.
Presented at
Harold and Miriam Steinberg Center for Theatre
Laura Pels Theatre
111 West 46th Street, New York, NY
between 6th and 7th Avenues