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Covenant explores the consequences of secrets and newfound fame on one Black family. Playwright York Walker weaves together the myth of Robert Johnson, the realities of religion in 1930s Georgia, and elements of horror to craft a suspenseful tale about family, love, faith, and identity.


Mama is the matriarch of her family. She is a fervent Christian and holds her daughters Avery and Violet to certain expectations. She is wont to show her preference for Avery and there appears to be a rift in her relationship.

Avery is the older sister. She’s 24 and, while painfully aware of the grip Mama has, eager to explore a world beyond their small town.

Violet is the younger sister at 19. Her relationship to religion and her mother is fractured, but she loves Avery more than anything.

Ruthie is Violet’s best friend. She spends a lot of time with the family and it’s not unusal for her to be at their dinner table. She is obsessed with love, or the idea of it.

Johnny “Honeycomb” James is Avery’s age and has been in love with her since he was an awkward 12-year-old. He was away for some time but has just returned a confident, talented blues star. The rumor is, he got his musical prowess from a deal with the devil.

Published on October 19, 2023.